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Judul Pengaruh Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu (Integrated Marketing Communication) Terhadap Citra Merek (Brand Image) Pada PT. Telkomsel
Abstrak This study aims to determine the existence of a positive and significant effect between the programs IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) towards brand image at PT. Telkomsel And to find out the extent of the variable x affect Brand Image products at PT. Telkomsel The research data was obtained from a questionnaire using a sample of 100 respondents. The results showed that the IMC consisted of Variable x with indicator. Publicity and public relations, sales promotion, Events and experience, Direct marketing, Interactive marketing, Word of mouth marketing, and Personal selling. Data analysis method used is the instrument test includes validity and reliability tests, hypothesis testing includes partial test methods (uji-t) and analysis of the coefficient of determination. The results of this study indicate that Integrated Marketing Communication positive effect on Brand Image. also obtained sig. (0,00) smaller than a (0,05) then it can be concluded that H0 rejected means that Integrated Marketing Communication has a significant effect on Brand Image. With a positive influence shows the better Integrated Marketing Communication applied to Telkomsel products will have an impact on a better Brand Image. Keywords : integrated marketing communication, brand image,product image.
Pembimbing Dede Suryana, Ir., M.Si.
Co Pembimbing
Kategori Manajemen
Jenis Jurnal
Tahun 2020
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