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Nama Firman Ferdiansyah
Judul Pengaruh Financing to Deposit Ratio dan Non Performing Financing Terhadap Return on Assets Pada Bank Umum Syariah Periode 2014-2018
Abstrak From the results of the analysis shows the condition of financing to deposit ratio of Islamic Commercial Banks in the period 2014 -2018, on average included in the ideal category with a classification of Rank 3 "Fairly Healthy", the condition of non-performing financing on average entered into the category 2 "Healthy" "And the condition of return on assets, on average included in rank 3" Fairly Healthy ". Variable financing to deposit ratio and non-performing financing simultaneously or jointly have a significant effect on return on assets. Partially the financing to deposit ratio variable has no effect on return on assets, while non-performing financing partially has a significant negative effect on return on assets.
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Kategori Akuntansi
Jenis Jurnal
Tahun 2020
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